
10 Ways to Convert Instagram Followers into Customers

Are you an established brand maintaining a strong Instagram presence but still not getting the desired leads? You are at the right place. Instagram is a dynamic social media platform that offers a plethora of benefits, from reaching the audience to converting them into devoted customers. However, the presence of thousands of brands in the same niche means that the customers have more options to choose from.

Having a good follower base is not your final goal of Instagram marketing efforts; the end goal is increasing conversions. There is no point in having 100,000 followers if at least 60% of them do not convert or visit your product or service’s homepage. In such a situation, you need to adopt unique and effective strategies that help you stand out from the crowd, influence your followers’ decisions, and encourage them to convert.

Whether you are a marketer, a businessman, or a brand, converting followers into customers is the essence of your social media presence. Therefore, in this blog, we will shed light on the 10 best ways to convert Instagram followers into customers and increase business sales and profit.

Start a Conversation

The best way to turn followers into devoted customers is to start a conversation and interact with them. You can reply to your followers’ comments, acknowledge their presence, show gratitude, answer their questions, appreciate their suggestions, ask their choices, etc., to depict that you value their preferences and emotions. Rather than directly posting your product image, ask your followers what their preferences are. For example – if you are a clothing brand, you can ask your customers about their favorite color of shirts and launch some new shirts of the same color in different designs. 

Provide Social Proof

To inspire your followers to buy your products and convert them into devoted customers, you need to win their trust first. Social proof is the best way to make your followers trust your brand and connect with it beyond Instagram. To do that, ask your existing customers to provide a review of your products or services in either video format or text form. Gather a sufficient amount of reviews and testimonials and create and post the reviews in image, video, IGTV or story format in a visually appealing and readable manner.

Purchase Niche Followers

No matter how good your products or services are, your conversion rate will remain low if your posts do not reach a sufficient audience. Therefore, you need a high number of interested followers who can connect and engage with your content and increase its reach. When the reach is high, more and more people can get to know about your brand which increases conversions also. To increase your followers fast, you can buy Instagram followers from an authentic website and increase conversions.

Collaborate with Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers are basically niche-based influencers with a decent number of highly targeted followers who trust the micro-influencers and believe their suggestions. Collaborating with micro-influencers of your niche is also a great way to show that you are a legitimate brand that sells good quality products or services. When such influencers promote your products or services to your target audience, there is a high chance that people will believe in your quality and make a positive buying decision.


Share User Generated Content

User-generated content is the simplest and best way to win your followers’ trust and encourage them to buy your products and services. To do that, create a challenge or run a contest and motivate your followers to participate. Ask your followers to upload a picture of them using your product along with the brand challenge hashtag in the description. Offer incentives in the form of free gifts, discount coupons, story shoutouts, etc. Simply share the best ones in the story to let your followers know your brand’s authenticity and reputation in the market.

Offer Discounts and Offers

Everyone enjoys offers and discounts and providing them with the same is the most effective approach to improving conversions. Provide special discounts and exclusive offers just for your Instagram followers to incentivize purchases. This helps them feel special, take advantage of discounts and offers, and purchase your products or services. To create FOMO and a sense of urgency, you can even offer limited-time deals and discounts, which can boost the conversion rate.

Use Different Content Formats

Instagram is not a sales platform where you can just post promotional posts and expect your followers to convert. Your followers will stay connected and engage with your brand only when you provide something informative, entertaining, relevant, and valuable. Therefore, you should use a variety of content formats like posts, reels, IGTV, live, infographics, carousels, videos, etc., to deliver content that is not only promotional but also informative and useful. For example, if you sell workout equipment, you can add a post related to the benefits and usage of a particular equipment to educate the audience about its usage and encourage their buying decisions.

Engage with Customers on Stories

Stories are a great medium to engage with your customers on a personal level and make them feel valued. Share daily updates, discount offers, behind-the-scenes, exclusive content, launch events, office tours, packaging process, a glimpse of a new product, customers taking services, etc. Not only that you can even interact with your audience via Instagram story stickers like poll, questions, quiz, emoji slider, etc. These stickers help you answer their questions, talk with them, know their preferences, solve their doubts, etc., and maintain a long-lasting connection which leads to increased conversions.

Create Strong CTAs

CTA, or call to action, is an important element in every content to direct users to take a specific action. It can be purchasing the product, booking an appointment, subscribing to the channel, downloading an eBook, reviewing a podcast, or anything else. When you direct your followers to do what exactly you want, there are high chances of them getting converted. However, use creative and clickbait CTAs like “Purchase now to get 20% off” rather than a plain one like “Buy now.”

Optimize Instagram Profile for lead generation

Your Instagram profile is your brand identity on Instagram, and it’s crucial to optimize it for your target audience. Use a relevant and clear profile image as your brand’s face, as well as a fascinating and captivating bio that serves as the voice of your brand. Optimize your bio with your brand’s name, tagline, basic information, years of service, contact info, CTA, hashtags, keyword, location, social proof, website link, etc., as it is the invitation card for your followers that reflects your brand’s message and offerings.


In conclusion, we can say that converting followers into customers is not a tough task when the right strategies and high-quality content are used. We have discussed the best ways, like strong CTA, discounts and offers, UGC, conversation with the audience, purchasing followers, etc., to convert followers into customers and increase business sales. Once you start getting customers from Instagram, ask and encourage them to share reviews and UGC on their Instagram profiles to increase your reach and brand awareness.

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